Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nathan Deal please read

 Please read the following letter from Senator Tommie Williams, Senator Williams I know to be not just a great man, but a great family man, and an astute businessman as well, he is also a trusted friend.

John Lunsford

State Representative 110th district



From The Honorable Tommie Williams, President Pro Tempore,


Georgia Senate District 19


You say that Nathan Deal has a lot of baggage attached, but I want to tell you some of the real baggage that he carries:

1.  Nathan graduated with honors from Washington County High School .

2.  Nathan graduated with honors from Mercer University in 1964.

3.  Nathan graduated with honors from Mercer Law in 1966.

4.  When Nathan graduated from Mercer in 1964, he was named the male recipient of the Algernon Sidney Sullivan Award which designates the top  senior.

5.  While at Mercer Nathan was president of the student body.

6.  While at Mercer Nathan was the commanding officer in  the ROTC.

7.  Nathan served his country with distinction in the US Army JAG Corps.

8.  After serving in the Army, Nathan moved to Gainesville (where his wife, Sandra, is from) and began to practice law, serving as Assistant District Attorney for several years before going into private practice.

9.  Nathan served as Juvenile Court Judge for a number of years in Hall  County.

10.  During these years Nathan was a member of various civic clubs, serving as president of the Jaycees and Rotary, among others.

11.  Nathan grew up a member of the First Baptist Church of Sandersville, and he has been a faithful member and leader of the First  Baptist Church in Gainesville for over 40 years.

12.  In the early 1980s Nathan ran for the Georgia Senate from his district and won.  He served his district for twelve years, rising to become President Pro tem of the  Senate.

13.  In 1992 Nathan ran for the United States House of Representatives  for the Ninth District of Georgia and won.  He was reelected by his constituents each two years thereafter and resigned early this year to  focus on the campaign for governor.

While in Congress, Nathan wrote,  among other things, the law that prohibited Social Security benefits for illegal aliens.  This piece of legislation alone has saved this country  over 20 billion dollars.


You may ask why I have gone into such detail. It is because I know this  man and have watched him closely since we were first graders together in Sandersville Elementary School.  We went all the way through    elementary  school and high school together, participating in many of the same activities.  Then, we went to Mercer together. We pledged the same  fraternity because  we had made a pact that we would join the same one (he became president of that, too).  He was in our wedding, but my wife  was the star of that event.


I can say with all truthfulness and soberness that during these years of  being close to Nathan, I have never heard him use a swear word of any  kind, drink alcohol of any kind, use tobacco of any kind or do or say  anything that was or could be construed to be immoral, illegal,  unethical or dishonest. One may say that I am blinded by being so close to him.  I say, on the  contrary, I am grateful that the State of Georgia is being offered one  of the best and most experienced of her citizens for its highest elected  office. 


I know of no one, either personally or by reputation, who is  better qualified and trustworthy and can serve this State with more devotion, care, and carefulness than Nathan Deal.